JsonMappingException: Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.Integer out of START_OBJECT token

Obviously Jackson can not deserialize the passed JSON into an Integer. If you insist to send a JSON representation of a User through the request body, you should encapsulate the userId in another bean like the following:

public class User {
    private Integer userId;
    // getters and setters

Then use that bean as your handler method argument:

public @ResponseBody Record getRecord(@RequestBody User user) { ... }

If you don't like the overhead of creating another bean, you could pass the userId as part of Path Variable, e.g. /getuser/15. In order to do that:

@RequestMapping(value = "/getuser/{userId}", method = POST, produces = "application/json")
public @ResponseBody Record getRecord(@PathVariable Integer userId) { ... }

Since you no longer send a JSON in the request body, you should remove that consumes attribute.

Perhaps you are trying to send a request with JSON text in its body from a Postman client or something similar like this:

 "userId": 3

This cannot be deserialized by Jackson since this is not an Integer (it seems to be, but it isn't). An Integer object from java.lang Integer is a little more complex.

For your Postman request to work, simply put (without curly braces { }):