jsPDF justify text
I answered you on github I wrote my own justification code into my refactored jsPDF according to your suggestion.
Check it out...
Oh wait, I can probably help with a direct answer. I think you just have to change it like this:
var wordSpacing = (Math.max(0, (pdfPageWidth - textWidth) / Math.max(1, nWords - 1)) * this.internal.scaleFactor);
if (align) {
else if (align === 'justify') {
var wordSpacingPerLine = [];
for (var i = 0, len = da.length; i < len; i++) {
wordSpacingPerLine.push(((this.internal.pageSize.width - lineWidths[i]) / (da[i].split(" ").length - 1) * k).toFixed(2));
else {
throw new Error('Unrecognized alignment option, use "center" or "right".');
prevX = x;
text = '(' + da[0];
let pdfPageWidth = this.internal.pageSize.width;
let wordSpacing;
if( align === 'justify' ) {
text = wordSpacingPerLine[0] + ' Tw\n' + text;
You have to do add the specific WordSpacing for every line except the last line. Last line is then left aligned.
Here an example:
/F1 16 Tf
18.4 TL
0 g
4.869500000212597 Tw
28.35 813.54 Td
(Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur abore et dolore) Tj
3.5284444446334158 Tw
0.00 -18.40 Td
(magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et) Tj
2.0876000001700574 Tw
0.00 -18.40 Td
(accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd) Tj
1.329500000212585 Tw
0.00 -18.40 Td
(gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor) Tj
1.329500000212585 Tw
0.00 -18.40 Td
(sit amet.) Tj