Julia: does an Array contain a specific sub-array

I think it is worth mentioning that in Julia 1.0 you have the function issubset

> issubset([4,6], [4,6,5])

You can also quite conveniently call it using the \subseteq latex symbol

> [4,6] ⊆ [4,6,5]

This looks pretty optimized to me:

> using Random

> x, y = randperm(10^3)[1:10^2], randperm(10^3);

> @btime issubset(x, y);
16.153 μs (12 allocations: 45.96 KiB)

It takes a little bit of code to make a function that performs well, but this is much faster than the issubvec version above:

function subset2(x,y)
    lenx = length(x)
    first = x[1]
    if lenx == 1
        return findnext(y, first, 1) != 0
    leny = length(y)
    lim = length(y) - length(x) + 1
    cur = 1
    while (cur = findnext(y, first, cur)) != 0
        cur > lim && break
        beg = cur
        @inbounds for i = 2:lenx
            y[beg += 1] != x[i] && (beg = 0 ; break)
        beg != 0 && return true
        cur += 1

Note: it would also be much more useful if the function actually returned the position of the beginning of the subarray if found, or 0 if not, similarly to the findfirst/findnext functions.

Timing information (the second one is using my subset2 function):

  0.005273 seconds (65.70 k allocations: 4.073 MB)
  0.000086 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)