Jupyter notebook run all cells on open

I just found a way to do this quite easily. If you install the nbextensions package (https://github.com/ipython-contrib/jupyter_contrib_nbextensions), one of the extensions is called "Initialization cells" and allows you to mark certain cells to run automatically when the notebook is loaded.

  1. Paste the snippet below in a normal(code) cell,
  2. execute it (hit [Ctrl + Enter]), and
  3. Save the notebook.

The next time you (re)load it, all cells will run and a checkpoint will be saved with their refreshed outputs.

        ['base/js/namespace', 'jquery'], 
        function(jupyter, $) {
            $(jupyter.events).on("kernel_ready.Kernel", function () {
                console.log("Auto-running all cells-below...");

Note that if you clear the output of the above cell, you have to repeat steps 2 and 3.


You may consider these more appropriate solutions for what you are probably trying to achieve:

  • Jupyer Thebe: embed code-snippets in static pages communicating with ipython-kernels backends.
  • nteractnteract: Build Electron-based applications from notebooks.
  • Dashboards: The "official"efforts to allow to pre-configure a grid of notebook-cell outputs ("dashboards"), package and serve them as standalone web apps.

You can find a summary of the situation in this article.


Similar questions has been asked before in other sites, but in this googlegroup thread, someone submitted a solution, and the group moderator erased it(!), obviously to preserve life on earth :-) So, be careful with it!