Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition - Lagrange multiplier

I've glanced at the paper you linked to. I have a few remarks:

  • It looks the authors of the paper managed to derive explicit closed-form expressions for the stationarity conditions for a special class of functions. This is sometimes possible for very specific problems.

  • If you remember your calculus, for a univariate function $f(x)$, the minimum or maximum is found when $f'(x) = 0$. You can think of the KKT as a generalization of this idea for an optimization problem with constraints.

  • The reason I (and the authors) say "stationarity" conditions instead of "optimality" conditions is because KKT conditions are necessary but insufficient conditions for optimality. For a true guarantee of optimality, you need to test your solution against SSOCs (Sufficient Second Order Conditions). Again, the second order conditions are analogous to the Calculus-101 idea of determining whether $f''(x)$ is positive or negative, which tells you whether the solution of $f'(x) = 0$ is a minimum or maximum.

  • Nevertheless in this case, under the assumptions in the paper, in the absence of saddle points, we may presume the solution to be optimal.

  • This means you do not have to use any optimization algorithm/library in this particular case. For a given pricing function, all you have to do is evaluate a function based on the results given in the paper. This is a very nice property -- it means the optimization is implicitly done for you. See Example 1 in the paper for a worked example.

In general, the KKT does not provide an algorithm for finding an optimum; it's only a test for stationarity. However, in very specific cases (i.e. with regularity conditions assumed, convex, no inequalities, etc.), the KKT conditions can provide closed-form expressions for the optimal solution of a problem.

In fact... this is the idea behind the Method of Lagrange Multipliers. The Lagrange Multiplier method is simply a special case of the KKT conditions with no inequality constraints.

Side Note: one of the reasons behind the difficulty in using the KKT as a practical algorithm to find stationary/optimal points is due to the "complementarity conditions" in the KKT system (see Wikipedia article). when you have inequality constraints, you have to satisfy a set of constraints known as "complementarity constraints". There can be nasty, nonconvex, degenerate bilinear terms in these constraints, and special techniques are required to handle them -- enumerative methods are required for obtaining global optimality, and therefore the problem is NP-hard. There is a whole new field of research in burgeoning area of complementarity problems (and its related problem class, MPECs = mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints)... currently there's a lot of work being done on determining different types of stationarity conditions for this class of problems. It is outside the scope of the question, but I thought I'd just let you know what's out there.

The KKT conditions are necessary conditions for a constrainted optimization problem to have a local minimum. For complex problems these conditions normally motivate the development of minimization algorithms rather than trying to find the values that satisfy the KKT conditions.

There is black-boxed optimization software and it is advised to take advantages of these. Perhaps a SQP (Sequential quadratic programming) would be ideal for this problem.

The optimization toolbox in Matlab is a really easy to use. The function fmincon is likely to solve your problem. See: http://www.mathworks.com/products/optimization/

There are alternatives though I personally have never used them. See: http://wwwasdoc.web.cern.ch/wwwasdoc/minuit/minmain.html