Keep certain columns in a pandas DataFrame, deleting everything else

How do I keep certain columns in a pandas DataFrame, deleting everything else?

The answer to this question is the same as the answer to "How do I delete certain columns in a pandas DataFrame?" Here are some additional options to those mentioned so far, along with timings.


One simple option is selection, as mentioned by in other answers,

# Setup.
   1  2  3  4  5  6
A  x  x  x  x  x  x
B  x  x  x  x  x  x
C  x  x  x  x  x  x

cols_to_keep = [3,5]


   3  5
A  x  x
B  x  x
C  x  x


df.loc[:, cols_to_keep]

   3  5
A  x  x
B  x  x
C  x  x

DataFrame.reindex with axis=1 or 'columns' (0.21+)

However, we also have reindex, in recent versions you specify axis=1 to drop:

df.reindex(cols_to_keep, axis=1)
# df.reindex(cols_to_keep, axis='columns')

# for versions < 0.21, use
# df.reindex(columns=cols_to_keep)

   3  5
A  x  x
B  x  x
C  x  x

On older versions, you can also use reindex_axis: df.reindex_axis(cols_to_keep, axis=1).


Another alternative is to use drop to select columns by pd.Index.difference:

# df.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1)
df.drop(df.columns.difference(cols_to_keep), axis=1)

   3  5
A  x  x
B  x  x
C  x  x


enter image description here

The methods are roughly the same in terms of performance; reindex is faster for smaller N, while drop is faster for larger N. The performance is relative as the Y-axis is logarithmic.

Setup and Code

import pandas as pd
import perfplot

def make_sample(n):
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.full((n, n), 'x'))
    cols_to_keep = np.random.choice(df.columns, max(2, n // 4), replace=False)

    return df, cols_to_keep
    setup=lambda n: make_sample(n),
        lambda inp: inp[0][inp[1]],
        lambda inp: inp[0].loc[:, inp[1]],
        lambda inp: inp[0].reindex(inp[1], axis=1),
        lambda inp: inp[0].drop(inp[0].columns.difference(inp[1]), axis=1)
    labels=['__getitem__', 'loc', 'reindex', 'drop'],
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(2, 13)],
    equality_check=lambda x, y: (x.reindex_like(y) == y).values.all()

If you have a list of columns you can just select those:

In [11]: df
   1  2  3  4  5  6
A  x  x  x  x  x  x
B  x  x  x  x  x  x
C  x  x  x  x  x  x

In [12]: col_list = [3, 5]

In [13]: df = df[col_list]

In [14]: df
   3  5
A  x  x
B  x  x
C  x  x

You could reassign a new value to your DataFrame, df:

df = df.loc[:,[3, 5]]

As long as there are no other references to the original DataFrame, the old DataFrame will get garbage collected.

Note that when using df.loc, the index is specified by labels. Thus above 3 and 5 are not ordinals, they represent the label names of the columns. If you wish to specify the columns by ordinal index, use df.iloc.


