Keep permissions on files with Maven resources:testResources

This seems to be a bug in the Maven Resource Plugin

If you are using the Maven Assembly Plugin, you can configure the file permissions there.

If not, you might consider a workaround. You could do this via Ant by doing something like this:

                    <chmod file="target/test-classes/" perm="755"/>

I added a profile that gets activated automatically when run on a Unix machine. It executes an in-line shell script to adopt file permissions from all files in a folder recursively to files of the same name in another folder (see SRC and DST variables). The script requires a /bin/sh as well as find, xargs and chmod, which should exist on all modern systems.

                                        set -x


                                        find "$$SRC" -printf "%P\0" | xargs --verbose -0 -I {} chmod --reference="$$SRC/{}" -f "$$DST/{}"