Apple - Keep Preview from autoresizing print output
quit the Preview App, enter the following into your Terminal application and then start Preview again. Problem solved!
defaults write PVImagePrintingScaleMode 0
to revert this setting, you can use the following command:
defaults delete PVImagePrintingScaleMode
I would use Terminal commands slightly different from @Bart's above, although those work just fine.
To disable Preview's default print scaling:
defaults write PVImagePrintingScaleMode -bool false
To restore Preview's default print scaling:
defaults write PVImagePrintingScaleMode -bool true
That way, the default stays in Preview's plist, so I don't need some external reminder about that default if I'm poking into it next year when I've forgotten I did this.
Incidentally, the first time I started up Preview after disabling its print scaling, it seemed to hang on launch, so I force-quit and then tried again and it was fine.
Hmm. Tried to edit to make the code lines show...