Key value pairs in relational database

There is another solution that falls somewhere between the two. You can use an xml type column for the keys and values. So you keep the itemid field, then have an xml field that contains the xml defined for some key value pairs like <items> <item key="colour" value="red"/><item key="xxx" value="blah"/></items> Then when you extract your data fro the database you can process the xml in a number of different ways. Depending on your usage. This is an extend able solution.

Before you continue on your approach, I would humbly suggest you step back and consider if you really want to store this data in a "Key-Value Pair"table. I don't know your application but my experience has shown that every time I have done what you are doing, later on I wish I had created a color table, a fabric table and a size table.

Think about referential integrity constraints, if you take the key-value pair approach, the database can't tell you when you are trying to store a color id in a size field

Think about the performance benefits of joining on a table with 10 values versus a generic value that may have thousands of values across multiple domains. How useful is an index on Key Value really going to be?

Usually the reasoning behind doing what you are doing is because the domains need to be "user definable". If that is the case then even I am not going to push you towards creating tables on the fly (although that is a feasible approach).

However, if your reasoning is because you think it will be easier to manage than multiple tables, or because you are envisioning a maintenance user interface that is generic for all domains, then stop and think really hard before you continue.


