Keycloak behind apache reverse proxy

I'm using Keycloak for a project in docker containers. I had the same problem but in a local network (so maybe this will not be the solution, in this case i'm sorry). So this was the situation:

  • REST java webapp running on wildfly, in a single Docker container
  • Keycloak running in a single Docker container in the same network of the previous
  • Apache running locally on my machine outside Docker, serving an angular 2 app, with the properly config

  • The angular 2 app's adapter was pointing the url (i modified the local file hosts with the entry

  • I added a link between Wildfly Docker and Keycloak Docker by the hostname and i used this hostname in the Java webapp adapter.
  • Both the adapters were pointing to the same address, as far as i know this is a Keycloak requirement, see

There are a lot of differences from your case (Docker, HTTP vs HTTPS etc), but, to avoid the communication REST-Keycloak via Web, have you tried modifying the file hosts of your server (hosting the RESTful service) inserting an entry with the local IP of your reverse proxy (172.a) and ""?

Or, maybe you can solve it with a private DNS?

You need to inform keycloak about the location of the reverse proxy. Then in its response it will set location to there instead of its local address. To do that in the latest keycloak set the environment variable KEYCLOAK_FRONTEND_URL to point to the string (yes, it needs the whole address. To make this work, also set PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING to the value true

If it's a Docker container, that means:


Alternately, you can set KEYCLOAK_HOSTNAME to and that will leave the port number, for which???(not sure how to do this part yet, if you find out please let me know... ) )

EDIT: Note that in some cases, you might want to set this only for a specific client. While configuring each client from inside keycloak, you can set its Frontend_URL from the first options tab.

I tried different things, but could not solve the problem. To me it seems like there is not way to specify auth-server-url: http://172.k:9080/auth in the backend adapter while the frontend adapter is putting auth-server-url: in the token. So my solution was to configure all the backend services to also the auth-server-url:

The only disadvantage of this is that my backend service adapter communicates with keycloak over web, which probably is not so good performance wise, but at least everything works as it should. It should have been possible to somehow specify a local keycloak endpoint within the same local network, or the same VPN in AWS.