Keycloak IdP SAML 2 Export of XML metdata to an SP

Sometimes it's a good thing to specify in writing what you need - which I did here on Stack Overflow.

I found the URL to where on Keycloak one can export the IdP XML


That gave me the IDPSSODescriptor.

I'll leave this thread here, so people can benefit from my mistakes.

Since Keycloak 3.x, IdP XML descriptor needs /auth/ after keycloak-url


The original poster is correct that the option SAML Metadata IDPSSODescriptor is no longer available on Keycloak 6.0.1

One change to make is when you use the URL https://{KEYCLOAK-URL}/auth/realms/{REALM-NAME}/protocol/saml/descriptor, Rancher expects the root element to be EntityDescriptor so you need to remove EntitiesDescriptor and copy the namespaces from the root element.


<EntityDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" xmlns:dsig="" entityID="https://{KEYCLOAK-URL}/auth/realms/{REALM-NAME}">
