Kill it With Fire

Python 3, 232 bytes

def f(j):
 k=[[int(min(9,j[x][y]+(j[x][y]>0)or 3in(lambda k,x,y:[k[i][j]for i,j in[[x-1,y],[x+1,y],[x,y-1],[x,y+1]]if(-1<i<len(k))and(-1<j<len(k[i]))])(j,x,y)))for y in range(len(j[x]))]for x in range(len(j))]
 if k!=j:print(k);f(k)

Try it online!

-3 bytes thanks to officialaimm by merging the other lambda into f (looks messy but saves bytes and that's all we care about)
-8 bytes thanks to Mr. Xoder
-26 bytes thanks to ovs
-6 bytes thanks to ppperry

JavaScript (ES6), 217 210 207 204 193 192 190 bytes

Saved 2 bytes thanks to @Shaggy's suggestion of using 9 as A.


// test code
  var test = document.querySelector("#in").value.split`\n`.map(e => Array.from(e).map(e => parseInt(e)));
  var out = f(test);
  document.querySelector("#out").innerHTML = => => e.join``).join`\n`).join`\n\n`;
<textarea id="in" oninput="test()">0301&#10;0009&#10;555</textarea><pre id="out"></pre>

Uses 9 instead of A. Input as a 2D array of integers. Output as an array of such arrays.

Simulating the World (in Emoji), 1407 bytes?

Don't you love using an explorable explanation as a programming language? The downside to this is there's usually not a very well defined program, so in this case, I'm using the JSON it exports. (if you have any better ideas, let me know)


Try it here or here:

<iframe width="100%" height="450" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>