Killing a bash script does not kill child processes

To kill a child process and all it's children you may use process.kill with a negative pid (to kill a process group)

var child = child_process.spawn('scripts/', {detached: true})
// Later…
process.kill(, 'SIGKILL');

See details on child_process documentation for options.detached

On non-Windows, if the detached option is set, the child process will be made the leader of a new process group and session.

Referencing here a portion of man 2 kill for some details:

If pid is less than -1, then sig is sent to every process in the process group whose ID is -pid.

Another option may be using trap in your shell script to intercept a signal and kill all the children and using child.kill('SIGTERM') from node (as SIGKILL will not be intercepted by trap)


trap 'kill $(jobs -p)' EXIT
node_modules/.bin/babel-node --stage 0 index.js


if pgrep -x "node" > /dev/null
mv -f  /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node.1
killall  node
mv -f /usr/local/bin/node.1 /usr/local/bin/node
which node
echo "process node not exists"

node is creating child process every-time we kill it. So it's not possible to kill the process from kill,pkill or killall commands. So we are removing node command to make forking process fail and then we kill the process.Finally we restore the node command.