kotlin-android error when using Android Studio 3.2 Canary 17
I think the error comes from your instant app module. It's happening the same to me for dynamic feature modules. I opened an issue here.
If you have a look to your log, it's only affecting to instant / dynamic feature modules:
Caused by: org.gradle.api.plugins.InvalidPluginException: 'kotlin-android' expects one of the Android Gradle plugins to be applied to the project:
* android
* com.android.application
* android-library
* com.android.library
* com.android.test
* com.android.feature
* com.android.dynamic-feature <-------
and from your log:
* android
* com.android.application
* android-library
* com.android.library
* com.android.test
* com.android.feature
* com.android.dynamic-feature <-----
I guess they will be fixing it soon :-) Since it's kind of a big deal, he.