Kotlin Android Studio - Var is seen as val in SDK 29

As seen in the ClipboardManager documentation, getPrimaryClip returns a ClipData? (i.e., a nullable ClipData) while setPrimaryClip() takes a ClipData - a non-null ClipData.

Kotlin does not support var property access when the types are different (and nullability is an important part of Kotlin typing) therefore Kotlin can only give you effectively the val equivalent when you call primaryClip.

The nullability annotation on setPrimaryClip was added in API 29, which is why the behavior is different once you upgrade your compileSdkVersion.

To set the primary clip, you must explicitly use setPrimaryClip() with a non-null ClipData or, on API 28+, use clearPrimaryClip() to completely clear the primary clip.

Use it like this

val clipboard = ctx.getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager
val clip = ClipData.newPlainText("Beacon infos", it.toJson())


