val var kotlin code example

Example 1: kotlin var val

|                |             val             |            var            |
| Reference type | Immutable (once initialized | Mutable (can change value)|
|                | can't be reassigned)        |                           |
| Example        | val n = 20                  | var n = 20                |
|				 | n++						   |                           |

Example 2: kotlin difference between val and var

// Kotlin difference between val and var

// val stands for value, and cannot be changed. (immutable variable)
fun main() {
    var number = 1
// var stands for variable, and can be changed. (mutable variable)
fun main() {
    var number = 1
    number = number + 9
    println(number) // this would return 10, because number got changed

Example 3: kotlin var and val

val declares a read-only property, var a mutable one

Example 4: var and val in kotlin

val and var both are used to declare a variable. var is like general variable and it's known as a mutable variable in kotlin and can be assigned multiple times. val is like Final variable and it's known as immutable in kotlin and can be initialized only single time.