Label above node in TikZ

Actually, tikz nodes have text inside and labels outside:



\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8,every node/.style={draw=black,circle}]
    \node[label={\small 1/16}] (a) at (0,0) {a};
    \node (b) at (2,0) {b};
    \draw[->] (a) to (b);


A PSTricks solution using the pst-node (for the drawing itself) and xfp packages (for the floating point calculations):



\def\labelSep{\fpeval{28.75*\radius+3.375}} % found by experimenting

% parameters


% change `0.35` in the calculation of the height of the bounding box
% according to the contents on top of the node
  \uput{\labelSep pt}[90](A){\small\texttt{1/16}}



Notice that all you have to do is choose the values of the parameters and the drawing (including the bounding box) will be adjusted accordingly.