Label dead ends

CJam, 61 bytes


Try it here.



    q_N/               Read input lines
        {   }@,*       Perform some operation as many times as there are bytes
                N*     Join lines


    {0f+zW%}4*         Box the maze with zeroes
    3ew:z3few::z       Mystical 4D array neighborhood magic.
                       (Think: a 2D array of little 3x3 neighborhood arrays.)

    {                        }f%    For each neighborhood, make a new char:
     e_                                 Flatten the neighborhood
       _4=_                             Get the center tile, C
           @1>2%                        Get the surrounding tiles
                '#e=                    Count surrounding roads, n
                    *                   Repeat char C n times
                     "#"=               Is it "#"? (i.e., C = '# and n = 1)
                         'X@?           Then this becomes an 'X, else keep C.

(Martin saved two bytes, thanks!)

JavaScript (ES6), 110 109 bytes


1 byte saved thanks to @edc65!


Very simple approach to the problem. Searches for each #, and if there are less than 2 #s around it, replaces it with an X. Repeats this process many times until it's guaranteed all the dead-ends have been replaced with Xs.

var solution =

  [...r].map(_=>                    // repeat r.length times to guarantee completeness
    r=r.replace(g=/#/g,(_,i)=>      // search for each # at index i, update r once done
      (r[i+1]+r[i-1]+r[i+l]+r[i-l]) // create a string of each character adjacent to i
      .match(g)                     // get an array of all # matches in the string
        [1]                         // if element 1 is set, return # (the match is a #)
        ||"X"                       // else if element 1 is undefined, return X
`                                   // l = line length
  &&r                               // return the updated r
<textarea id="input" rows="10" cols="40">########.....######..#..###
<button onclick="result.textContent=solution(input.value)">Go</button>
<pre id="result"></pre>