Label multiple edges between same vertices

Update 3: Styling and labeling edges individually can now be more conveniently done using new-in-version-12.1 function EdgeTaggedGraph:

labels = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"};
edges = {a -> b, a -> b, a -> b, a -> b, a -> e, e -> b};
styles = ColorData[97] /@ Range[6];

labelededges =  MapThread[Style[Labeled[#, #2], #3] &, {edges, labels, styles}] ;

EdgeTaggedGraph[labelededges, EdgeLabels -> "Name", 
 ImageSize -> Medium, EdgeLabelStyle -> 16]

enter image description here

Update 2: Dealing with the issue raised by @Kuba in the comments:

Using the function LineScaledCoordinate from the GraphUtilities package to place the text labels:


labels ={"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"};

Graph[{a -> b, a -> b, a -> b, a -> b, a -> e, e -> b},  
EdgeShapeFunction -> 
  ({Text[Last[labels = RotateLeft[labels]], LineScaledCoordinate[#, 0.5]], Arrow@#} &),

enter image description here

Update: Using EdgeShapeFunction:

labels = Reverse @ {"A","B","C","D"};
i = 1;
Graph[{a -> b, a -> b, a -> b, a -> b},
 EdgeShapeFunction- > ({Text[labels[[i++]], Mean @ #],Arrow @ #}&)]

enter image description here

Simplest method to convert a Graph g to Graphics is to use Show[g] (see this answer by @becko).

We can post-process Show[g] to modify the Text primitives:

   Text["A",{x_,y_/; (y<0.)},z___]:>Text["B",{x,y},z]

enter image description here

Or, we can construct a Graph with modified edge directions (and correct labels) and post-process it to change the edge directions:

Show[Graph[{Labeled[a->b,"A"], Labeled[b->a,"B"]}]]/. 
(* same picture *)

This ****, and so does my answer, but if it works it's not stupid, right? :)

p = Graph[{Labeled[a -> b, "A"], Labeled[a -> b, "B"]}];

grp = GraphComputation`GraphConvertToGraphics[p];

ReplacePart[grp, Position[grp, "A"][[1]] -> "B"]

enter image description here

It appears that in Mathematica 10.0.2 Graph does not natively support this by way of wrappers such as Labeled. Note that each of these wrappers is converted to a canonical form that seems to support only one directive for each edge:

  InputForm @ Graph[{fn[a -> b, "A"], fn[a -> b, "B"]}],
  {fn, {Labeled, Annotation, Tooltip, Style, Hyperlink, EventHandler, Button}}
] // Column
Graph[{a, b}, {DirectedEdge[a, b], DirectedEdge[a, b]},
 {EdgeLabels -> {DirectedEdge[a, b] -> "A"}}]

Graph[{a, b}, {DirectedEdge[a, b], DirectedEdge[a, b]},
 {Properties -> {DirectedEdge[a, b] -> {Annotation -> "A"}}}]

Graph[{a, b}, {DirectedEdge[a, b], DirectedEdge[a, b]},
 {Properties -> {DirectedEdge[a, b] -> {Tooltip -> "A"}}}]

Graph[{a, b}, {DirectedEdge[a, b], DirectedEdge[a, b]},
 {EdgeStyle -> {DirectedEdge[a, b] -> {"A"}}}]

Graph[{a, b}, {DirectedEdge[a, b], DirectedEdge[a, b]},
 {Properties -> {DirectedEdge[a, b] -> {Hyperlink -> "A"}}}]

Graph[{a, b}, {DirectedEdge[a, b], DirectedEdge[a, b]},
 {Properties -> {DirectedEdge[a, b] -> {EventHandler -> "A"}}}]

Graph[{a, b}, {DirectedEdge[a, b], DirectedEdge[a, b]},
 {Properties -> {DirectedEdge[a, b] -> {Button -> Unevaluated["B"]}}}]