Labeling a text and referencing it later

\label will refer to the current value of \@currentlabel; just use this feature.


\MakeRobust{\ref}% avoid expanding it when in a textual label

  \csname phantomsection\endcsname % in case hyperref is used



Some text and a textual label\labeltext{Some text in section~\ref{sec-test}}{try}


Here it is: ``\ref{try}''


If your LaTeX kernel is before 2015/01/01, update it. Until you do, add \usepackage{fixltx2e} in order to have \MakeRobust available. Making \ref robust is not needed if you load hyperref.

enter image description here

Something like this? This writes the text explicitly to the .aux file and provides a hyperlink to it. Use \nameref to get the label content, not the label number (which is given by \ref)

With more information a better solution could be given.






In \nameref{label:text} we have
\section{First} \label{firstsection}
\labelText{This \textsc{is} a text that is also a tag}{label:text}


enter image description here