labeling underlined text over multiple lines

I've just released soulpos, which allows this with a different approach based on savepos (pdftex or compatible required). Two passes are required:

\documentclass[two column]{article}




\ulnum{4}{This is short text}

\ulnum{6}{I want something to look like this text does, but I
don't want to manually break lines.} More. \ulnum{7}{And more text here.}


soulpos and numbered underlines

enter image description here

Far from perfect, but it's a start. This version doesn't work if start and end are on same line, and doesn't work if a page break happens between them. Both would be fixable.

I looked at this the other day but couldn't remember the trick to measure the position of a point along the line, then by coincidence @FrankMittelbach popped up and gave a full account of it here

How do you change indentation in the middle of a paragraph?

So here's that same code, re-arranged a bit to produce the image above (plain TeX in this version)



\hbox to \hsize{\hskip\lastlinewidth
\leaders\hrule height 0pt depth 1pt\hskip 0pt plus 2fill

\unskip\hbox to \hsize{%
\advance\count0 -1
\hbox to \hsize{%
\leaders\hrule height 0pt depth 1pt\hskip 0pt plus 2fill
\hbox to \lastlinewidth{%
\leaders\hrule height 0pt depth 1pt\hskip 0pt plus 2fill

  \belowdisplayskip=0pt %-\baselineskip
  \belowdisplayshortskip=0pt %-\baselineskip
\global\advance\lastlinewidth by -2em

\def\n{One two thr\-ee four five six seven eight nine ten. }
\def\c{Red blue yellow green. }

\n\c\ustart{3}start underline \n\n
\n\n end underline\uend{3} first text after end

\n\n\n\n\c\ustart{4}start again\c\n\n\c\c\n
\n\n\n end underline\uend{4} first text after end
