Laravel 5.4 storage file not found

This problem happen to me after moving project to different folder. If you already have storage link generated, try to delete public/storage folder and run again:

php artisan storage:link

By default Laravel puts files in the storage/app/public directory, which is not accessible from the outside web. So you have to create a symbolic link between that directory and your public one:

storage/app/public -> public/storage

You can do that by executing the php artisan storage:link command (docs).

In laravel ^5.8:

  • Make sure you run the command php artisan storage:link to link storage/app/public with public/storage.


// this return some like 'public/documents/file.ext'
$path = $request->paper_file->store('public/documents');

// this return some like 'storage/documents/file.ext'
$publicPath = \Storage::url( $path) );

// this return some like '< APP_URL env variable >/storage/documents/file.ext'
$url = asset( $publicPath );