Laravel 5: How do you copy a local file to Amazon S3?
Laravel has now putFile
and putFileAs
method to allow stream of file.
Automatic Streaming
If you would like Laravel to automatically manage streaming a given file to your storage location, you may use the putFile or putFileAs method. This method accepts either a Illuminate\Http\File or Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile instance and will automatically stream the file to your desired location:
use Illuminate\Http\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
// Automatically generate a unique ID for file name...
Storage::putFile('photos', new File('/path/to/photo'));
// Manually specify a file name...
Storage::putFileAs('photos', new File('/path/to/photo'), 'photo.jpg');
Link to doc: (Automatic Streaming)
Hope it helps
You can try this code
$contents = Storage::get($file);
As Laravel document this is the easy way I found to copy data between two disks
There is a way to copy files without needing to load the file contents into memory using MountManager.
You will also need to import the following:
use League\Flysystem\MountManager;
Now you can copy the file like so:
$mountManager = new MountManager([
's3' => \Storage::disk('s3')->getDriver(),
'local' => \Storage::disk('local')->getDriver(),
$mountManager->copy('s3://path/to/file.txt', 'local://path/to/output/file.txt');
You can always use a file resource to stream the file (advisable for large files) by doing something like this:
Storage::disk('s3')->put('my/bucket/' . $filename, fopen('path/to/local/file', 'r+'));
An alternative suggestion is proposed here. It uses Laravel's Storage facade to read the stream. The basic idea is something like this:
$inputStream = Storage::disk('local')->getDriver()->readStream('/path/to/file');
$destination = Storage::disk('s3')->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix().'/my/bucket/';
Storage::disk('s3')->getDriver()->putStream($destination, $inputStream);