Laravel - Disable Updated At when updating

In your model, add this method:

 * @param  mixed  $value
 * @return $this
public function setUpdatedAt($value)
    return $this;

UPDATE: In Laravel 5.5:

Just try to use this in your model:

const CREATED_AT = null;
const UPDATED_AT = null;

The accepted answer didn't work for me, but led me in the right direction to this solution that did:

class Whatever extends Model {
    const UPDATED_AT=NULL;

Laravel 5.3

In this case it's better to use Query Builder instead of Eloquent because Query Builder doesn't implicitely edits timestamps fields. The use of Query Builder will have the advantage of targetting only the concerned update operation without alterate all your model.

In one line you could do:

$query = \DB::table('stocklogs')->where('stock_id', $id)->whereBetween('created_at', [$from, $to])->update(['batch_id' => $max + 1]);

By default, Eloquent will maintain the created_at and updated_at columns on your database table automatically. Simply add these timestamp columns to your table and Eloquent will take care of the rest.

I don't really suggest removing them. But if you want use the following way.

add the following to your model:

public $timestamps = false;

This will disable the timestamps.

EDIT: it looks like you want to keep the created_at field, you can override the getUpdatedAtColumn in your model.

Use the following code:

public function getUpdatedAtColumn() {
    return null;