Laravel lockforupdate (Pessimistic Locking)

This work, finally, but still don't understand what sharedLock(LOCK IN SHARE MODE) and lockForUpdate(FOR UPDATE) different

    public function index() {
        return dd(\DB::transaction(function() {
            if (\Auth::guard('user')->check()) {
                $model = \App\Models\User::lockForUpdate()->find(1);
                $model->point = 100000;
            } else {
                $model = \App\Models\User::lockForUpdate()->find(1);
                $model->point = $model->point + 1;

            return $model;

So this is old question but I believe my answer can clarify how ->lockForUpdate() works

From Laravel documentation:

A shared lock prevents the selected rows from being modified until your transaction is committed.

So as it is written - lock will be active from when you call it until your transaction is done.


->find(1) works like ->first(), ->get(), ->insert(), ->save() etc. - it executes the query

->lockForUpdate() works like ->where(), ->select(), join() etc. - it adds to the query, but doesn't execute it

$model = \App\Models\User::find(1)->lockForUpdate(); - you try to add lock after query has already executed

$model = \App\Models\User::lockForUpdate()->find(1); - you add lock before query is executed therefore lock is active until transaction is finished

Difference is that in 1st scenario ->lockForUpdate() wasn't executed when you taught that it was