laravel model callbacks after save, before save, etc
Actually, Laravel has real callback before|after save|update|create some model. check this:
the EventListener like saved and saving are the real callbacks
how can we work with that? just assign it to this eventListener example:
\Laravel\Event::listen('eloquent.saving: User', function($user){
$user->saving();//your event or model function
Adding in an example for Laravel 4:
class Page extends Eloquent {
public static function boot()
// do stuff
// do stuff
Even though this question has already been marked 'accepted' - I'm adding a new updated answer for Laravel 4.
Beta 4 of Laravel 4 has just introduced hook events for Eloquent save events - so you dont need to extend the core anymore:
Added Model::creating(Closure) and Model::updating(Closure) methods for hooking into Eloquent save events. Thank Phil Sturgeon for finally pressuring me into doing this... :)
The best way to achieve before and after save callbacks in to extend the save()
Here's a quick example
class Page extends Eloquent {
public function save(array $options = [])
// before save code
// after save code
So now when you save a Page object its save()
function get called which includes the parent::save()
$page = new Page;
$page->title = 'My Title';