laravel seed multiple records with factory code example

Example: laravel seed multiple records with factory

$ php artisan make:seeder ProductTableSeeder
  //Creates a ProductTableSeeder file on Database/seeders
  $php artisan make:Factory ProductFactory
  //Creates a ProductTableSeeder file on Database/seeders
  $php artisan make:model Product
  //Go to database/Factories/ProductFactory and paste:
 define(\App\Product::class, function (Faker $faker) {
    return [
        'name' => $faker->name,
	    'price' => $faker->randomFloat(2, 0, 8),
	    'description' => $faker->text

//Go to database/seeders/ProductTableSeeder and paste:
//Go to database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder and paste:


//Finally run:
$php artisan db:seed
$php artisan tinker
  //Check the data inserted on the model product.
  //Alternativelly you can also run:
>>> DB::table('products')->get();


Misc Example