Laravel seeder gives error. Class not found


Now I see, the problem is with your login class (with earlier question formatting the exact error was illegible). You should look again what's the name of file where you have login class and what's the name of class. The convention is that the file should have name Login.php (with capital letter) and the name of class also should be Login (with capital letter). You should also check in what namespace is your Login class. If it is defined in in App namespace, you should add to your LoginTableSeeder:

use App\Login;

in the next line after <?php

so basically the beginning of your file should look like this:


    use App\Login;
    use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;


You didn't explained what the exact error is (probably the error is for Seeder class) but:

In database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php you should run Login seeder like this:


You should put into database/seeds file LoginTableSeeder.php with capital letter at the beginning.

Now, your file LoginTableSeeder.php file should look like this:


use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class LoginTableSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run()

        // your code goes here

you need to import Seeder with use at the beginning of file and again class name should start with capital letter.

Now you should run composer dump-autoload and now when you run php artisan db:seed it will work fine.

Just run composer dump-autoload -o for the autoloader to pick up the newly classes because the database folder is not automatically autoloaded with PSR-4.

You need to create an Eloquent model for that table in order to use Login::create(). You can do that with a simple artisan command:

$ php artisan generate:model Login

This will generate a new Eloquent model in app/models directory which should look like this.

class Login extends Eloquent {

    protected $fillable = [];
    protected $table = 'login';


Your code should work after that. If it still doesn't make sure you run composer dump-autoload.