Laravel validator `required` fails for empty string also

I use this:

'my_field' => 'present'  

The required rule actually returns false if you pass an empty string.

If we look at the code (Illuminate\Validation\Validator)

protected function validateRequired($attribute, $value)
    if (is_null($value))
        return false;
    elseif (is_string($value) && trim($value) === '')
        return false;

    // [...]

    return true;

I think your only option here is to write your own validation rule that checks if the value is not null:

Validator::extendImplicit('attribute_exists', function($attribute, $value, $parameters){
    return ! is_null($value);

(The extendImplicit is needed because with extend custom rules will only run when the value is not an empty string)

And then use it like this:

\Validator::make(array("name"=>""), array("name"=>"attribute_exists"));