last index of array code example

Example 1: js take last item in array

const heroes = ["Batman", "Superman", "Hulk"];
const lastHero = heroes.pop(); // Returns last elment of the Array
// lastHero = "Hulk"

Example 2: Javascript get last item in array

var colors = ["red","blue","green"];
var green = colors[colors.length - 1]; //get last item in the array

Example 3: js last index of

const str = "Users/Edit/12345";
let idx = str.lastIndexOf("/"); // returns 10
idx = str.lastIndexOf("x"); // returns -1

idx = str.lastIndexOf("Edit") // returns 6
idx = str.lastIndexOf("edit") // returns -1 -- case sensitive

// add "from" parameter
// the search happens backwards, starting at the provided from parameter
idx = str.lastIndexOf("s"); // returns 4
idx = str.lastIndexOf("s", 3); // returns 1

Example 4: last index of array js

array.lastIndexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex]);

Example 5: last index array perl

print $#numbers_array; 
# 4
print $numbers_array[$#numbers_array]; -between brackets-
# 62

Example 6: find last item in an array JS

if (loc_array[loc_array.length - 1] === 'index.html') {
   // do something
} else {
   // something else


Misc Example