latex and pdftex hangs when compiling

What worked for me on Windows 7:

  1. Reboot.

  2. Install all latest MiKTeX updates:

    Screenshot of start menu with entry "Update"

  3. Reboot.

  4. Refresh FNDB (file name database) using MikTeX Options:

    Screenshot of start menu with entry "Settings"
    Screenshot of window "Options"

    During this step, additional packages were installed.

The reboots were done because, after testing, there were issues with processes locking files.

Possibly related: On my system I got an error message about a missing QT5 DLL, which I solved by installing package: miktex-qt5-bin

I had to delete my *.aux file and there was a *.synctex(busy) file which I also deleted. Then I could compile again.


