LaTeX style or macro for detailed response to referee report

Given the lack of pointers to anything pre-existing, I ended up with the following (and rather simplistic) solution, at least for now:

\newcommand{\pointRaised}[2]{\medskip \hrule \noindent 
               \textsl{{\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}: #2}} 
\newcommand{\reply}{\noindent \textbf{Reply}:\ }       

The \pointRaised macro takes two arguments. The first is the enumeration and/or location of the issue. This will be set bold. The remainder is the what I chose to quote from the issue raised. This will be set in slanted. The whole block is separated by some vertically space and a horizontal rule.

The \reply simply starts with a bold token followed by the comment.

For insert comments about the text modifications in a LaTeX file according to referee questions, a good and easy option could be make a version with the todonotes package activated. Small comments can be made at margin and big comments might be placed in line. For example:


\title{A more clever title
\todo{Modified according to referee}}
\author{The author}
{Abstract changed to adapt to format indicated in
guidelines to authors. Text has beeen changed to 
reflect the update of Section 2 and Discussion.}
Really et al. (2010) 
\todo[color=blue!40]{Added citation} 
said some important suff.\lipsum[2]

For a letter with questions & answers, this is essentially the same text structure of a exam, so you can use the exam document class. An example:



\renewcommand{\thequestion}{\alph{question} }



Dear Editor in Chief, \bigskip

Please read below our answer about the \numquestions{}
questions made by  both refereees. I hope that you agree
wih all our comments. \bigskip

Best regards,\bigskip

The author

\question Spell foo as bar
 We opted to follow the ABC style of ... 
\question  Include reference to Really, Important and Stuff (2010)
Section 2 has been updated and the discussion ... 


There is a new template for a beautiful authors response to reviewers, that is

  1. easy to write, and
  2. easy to read.

The content can be written like this:

\section{Reviewer 1}
\subsection{Page 4 Line 12}
\RC Lengthy paragraph about something
\AR I do not agree.
Excerpt from the text with latexdiff-flavoured text changes.

Or alternatively, in Markdown:

# Reviewer 1
## Page 4 Line 12
\RC Lengthy paragraph about something
\AR I do not agree.
> Excerpt from the text with latexdiff-flavoured text changes.

And looks like this:

Example author response to review letter

