Launching Spring application Address already in use

Run the following command to search for the process that is using the port

lsof -i :<portNumber> | grep LISTEN

in your case this will be -->

lsof -i :8080 | grep LISTEN
java    78960 xyxss  119u  IPv6 0x6c20d372bc88c27d      0t0  TCP *:8092 (LISTEN)

The 78960 is the process id, use the following command to kill the process

kill -9 78960

Launch the application again.

You need to stop the server before re-launching. Look for the red box icon or server view.

Spring Boot uses embedded Tomcat by default, but it handles it differently without using tomcat-maven-plugin. To change the port use --server.port parameter for example:

java -jar target/gs-serving-web-content-0.1.0.jar --server.port=8181

Update. Alternatively put server.port=8181 into (or application.yml).

Configure another port number(eg:8181) in /src/main/resources/
