Lazy load Angular 5 error: $$_lazy_route_resource lazy recursive

There is an open bug on angular-cli 1.7.x:

Downgrade to 1.6.8 solve the issue for me.

I got the same issue.fix it by using

 {path:'listes' ,loadChildren: ()=>ListModule} not {path:'listes' ,loadChildren: 'app/component/list/list.module#ListModule'}

I cloned and reproduced the issue using your posted GitHub code. In order to fix, your @angular/cli global and devDependencies packages must be at 1.7.2

npm remove -g @angular/cli
npm install -g @angular/[email protected]
npm remove @angular/cli
npm add @angular/[email protected] --save-dev

Now the @angular/cli package in your devDependencies matches the global version and it is set to 1.7.2 where that issue is resolved.

I got the same issue. I solve it Just stopping the cli server and start it. Error is gone if you done your code correctly.