leaders and evaluation order

enter image description here

There's probably a tikz way of getting the coordinates but I use the pdftex primitive here. Use glue instead of leaders, but measure the distance and overlay some boxes on a second run.

\tikz{\pgfmathsetmacro{\r}{0.01+0.05*random()}\fill (0,0) circle (\r);}\ }



Test \leaders\hbox{\randdot\ }\hfill 3 \hfill \ 

Test %
\dimen@\leadb sp
\advance\dimen@ - \leada sp
\setbox0\hbox{\randdot\ }%
4 \hfill \ 



The TikZ way David mentions is the now-famous (thanks to Andrew Stacey and Peter Grill) \tikzmark macro. Basically you leave TikZ coordinates at places you like and then refer to them in a later TikZ picture.

        markings,% switch on markings
        mark=% actually add a mark
        between positions 0 and 1 step 5mm
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\r}{0.01+0.05*random()}\fill (0,0) circle (\r);
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture,baseline=-0.5ex] \node (#1) {};}

Test\tikzmark{a1} \hfill \tikzmark{a2}3 \hfill 

Test some text and then Test \tikzmark{a3} \hfill \tikzmark{a4}165 \hfill 

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[randlead] (a2) -- (a1);
\draw[randlead] (a4) -- (a3);

enter image description here

Further tweaks are possible but take this as a proof of concept.