Leanback VerticalGridFragment remove top spacing

I found a way to do it by overriding the VerticalGridPresenter of the VerticalGridFragment then getting the VerticalGridView, and setting top padding to a smaller value. In the CustomVerticalGridPresenter class (that extends VerticalGridPresenter), override this method:

protected void initializeGridViewHolder(ViewHolder vh) {
    gridView = vh.getGridView();
    int top= 20;//this is the new value for top padding
    int bottom = gridView.getPaddingBottom();
    int right = gridView.getPaddingRight();
    int left = gridView.getPaddingLeft();

Then in the VerticalGridFragment, assign the new CustomVerticalGridPresenter as following:

 CustomVerticalGridPresenter gridPresenter = new CustomVerticalGridPresenter();

Another way over this problem is to set the windowAlignment attributes of the VerticalGridView. Most notably ...

verticalGridView.windowAlignment = BaseGridView.WINDOW_ALIGN_LOW_EDGE //this will remove the top margin
verticalGridView.windowAlignmentOffset = 0
verticalGridView.windowAlignmentOffsetPercent = 25f //find correct values for your case

You need create new class with name CustomVerticalGridPresenter and put followig code in it.

public class CustomVerticalGridPresenter extends VerticalGridPresenter {

    VerticalGridView gridView;

    CustomVerticalGridPresenter(int zoom, boolean val){
        super(zoom, val);

    protected void initializeGridViewHolder(ViewHolder vh) {
        gridView = vh.getGridView();
        int top = 20;//this is the new value for top padding
        int bottom = gridView.getPaddingBottom();
        int right = gridView.getPaddingRight();
        int left = gridView.getPaddingLeft();

Then in verticalgridfragment class use

CustomVerticalGridPresenter videoGridPresenter = new 
CustomVerticalGridPresenter(ZOOM_FACTOR, false);

instead of

VerticalGridPresentervideoGridPresenter = new VerticalGridPresenter(ZOOM_FACTOR, false);

First of follow this steps to move the rows up which is by default given margins by Lean back Library.

1. Go to you SDK.

2. Inside SDK -> extras -> android -> support -> v17 -> leanback -> res -> values.

3. Inside values folder copy the dimens.xml inside your current project and copy to your projects res -> values folder.

Now you have the file name dimens.xml inside your values folder.

Now open the dimens.xml file which you have copied.

Change the value for property defined below. By default it will given 168dp around that. So make it less to decrease the top margin as i have given below.

<dimen name="lb_browse_rows_margin_top">35dp</dimen>

Now you can be able to split your rows up exact below of top section of your Browse Fragment.