lenght python code example

Example 1: len python meaning

# to get the length of a string or array, use the len() method
my_string = "Hello World"
my_list = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

print(len(my_string)) # outputs 11
print(len(my_list)) # outputs 3

Example 2: how to get length of string in python

string = "test"
#>>> Output "4"

Example 3: len python

mystring = 'Hello'
#Counts the amount of letters in the string
len(mystring)	# = 5	

#Can also count the number of items in a list
mylist = ['Hello', 'Goodbye', 'Morning']
len(mylist)		# = 3

Example 4: length of a string python

# Python program to demonstrate the use of 
# len() method   
# Length of below string is 5 
string = "geeks" 
# Length of below string is 15 
string = "geeks for geeks" 