Length (count) of sequences with start and end condition Python

Using itertools.dropwhile and takewhile:

l = [-1.1, -1, 0, 1.2, 1.8, 2, 2.88, 2.86, 2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11, -0.21]
list(takewhile(lambda x: x > 0, dropwhile(lambda x: x < 2.78, l)))


[2.88, 2.86, 2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11]

Or just to get len:

sum(1 for _ in takewhile(lambda x: x > 0, dropwhile(lambda x: x < 2.78,  l)))
# 7

will this work if there are multiple times this occurs in the dataset? I want to identify each one.

Let's switch from takewhile and dropwhile to groupby with a global boolean flag to identify multiple sequences. I'm simply going to concatenate your data onto itself to simulate two sequences:

from itertools import groupby

def keyfunc(datum):
    global in_sequence

    if datum < 0:
        in_sequence = False
    elif datum > 2.78:
        in_sequence = True

    return in_sequence

data = [
    -1.1, -1, 0, 1.2, 1.8, 2, 2.88, 2.86,
    2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11, -0.21,
    -1.1, -1, 0, 1.2, 1.8, 2, 2.88, 2.86,
    2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11, -0.21,

sequences = []
in_sequence = False

for valid, sequence in groupby(data, keyfunc):
    if valid:

print(*sequences, sep='\n')
print(*map(len, sequences), sep='\n')


> python3 test.py
[2.88, 2.86, 2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11]
[2.88, 2.86, 2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11]

Is it possible to tighten it up though to only provide the len numbers as I want to then convert into a df and export to csv?

Perhaps something like this:

from itertools import groupby

data = [
    -1.1, -1, 0, 1.2, 1.8, 2, 2.88, 2.86,
    2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11, -0.21,
    -1.1, -1, 0, 1.2, 1.8, 2, 2.88, 2.86,
    2.53, 1.98, 1.21, 0.89, 0.11, -0.21,

def sequence_lengths(data):
    in_sequence = False

    def keyfunc(datum):
        nonlocal in_sequence

        if datum < 0:
            in_sequence = False
        elif datum > 2.78:
            in_sequence = True

        return in_sequence

    lengths = []

    for valid, sequence in groupby(data, keyfunc):
        if valid:

    return lengths
