Let's play tennis

Python 2, 65 bytes

s='-','|'+' '*7,'-','|   ','x'
for i in s+s[3::-1]:print(i*9)[:9]

Flp.Tkc saved a byte.

05AB1E, 29 27 26 bytes


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'-9ש                      Push "---------" and store it as temporary value
     '|ð4׫Dûs             Push palindromized("|    ") = "|       |"
                           and push "|    "
              ®            Push "---------" again
               s¨¨û        Strip the last 2 characters from "|    " and push palindromized("|  ") = "|   |"
                   û       Palindromize last item -> "|   |   |"
                    'x5×   Push "xxxxx"
                        »  Join everything with newlines
                         û Palindromize the result and implicitly display it

Python 3 - 73 72 bytes

d=b,a,c='|       |','-'*9,'|   |   |'

Python 3.6 - 75 bytes

x=f"{'-'*9}\n|{' '*7}|\n{'-'*9}\n|   |   |\n"

Credit goes to flp-tkc. Thank you :)

Try here!