Let's play tennis 2: east-west game

Python 2, 59 bytes

s="------x------\n|  |  x  |  |\n|  |--x"
print s+s[-2::-1]

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Prints the first half of the string followed by its reverse. It's boring but efficient. I tried extracting repeating parts of out s, especially the -, but didn't find anything shorter.

Python 2, 59 bytes

for n in 6,0,2,0,6:x='-'*n+'  |  |'[n:];print x[::-1]+'x'+x

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Using Jo King's construction.

Python 2, 62 bytes

b='|  '*2
for r in'-'*6,b,'|  |--',b,'-'*6:print r+'x'+r[::-1]

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Prints the first half of each line, followed by 'x', followed by the first half reversed.

Charcoal, 15 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. By way of explanation I will show the result after each of the drawing commands up to the final reflection:

↑²        |

←⁶        |

↓xx x     |

→x² x     |
    x--   |

↑²  x  |  |
    x--|  |

Canvas, 13 12 bytes


quad-palindromizes a compressed corner of the field.

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11 bytes with uppercase Xes, using the fact that / compresses better than x and palindromizing would result in overlapping / and its mirror \, which results in X