Libraries not found when using CocoaPods with iOS logic tests

CocoaPods 1.0 has changed the syntax for this. It now looks like this:

def shared_pods
    pod 'SSKeychain', '~> 0.1.4'

target 'Sail' do

target 'Sail-iOS' do

Pre CocoaPods 1.0 answer

What you want to use is link_with from your Podfile. Something like:

link_with 'MainTarget', 'MainTargetTests'

Then run pod install again.

There is a solution I found here Unit Tests With CocoaPods:

Open the project file in Xcode, then choose the Project (not the target), in the right panel, there is a section called Configurations. Choose Pods in the "Based on Configuration file" column for your test target.

enter image description here

I figured this one out by looking at how the main target of my app was receiving settings from the CocoaPods library. CocoaPods includes an .xcconfig file named Pods.xcconfig. This file contains all of the header search paths.

If you look at your project in the project navigator and click the Info tab, you will see your build configurations listed on the top section. If you open the disclosure triangle for your different configurations, you will see Pods listed under your main target. I had to click the drop down and add Pods to the logic test target as well.

Configurations Snapshot

I also had to copy the settings of $(inherited) and ${PODS_HEADERS_SEARCH_PATHS} from my main target and copy them over to the logic test target under Build Settings/HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS.

Finally, I had to add libPods.a in the Link Binary with Libraries build phase for my logic tests target.

Hope this is able to help someone else.