Libre Office won't open

i'm not going to add anything to Jacob comment but just inserting some screenshots to help:

Open your file manager and go to your home(it will open there by default).

Show hidden file by pressing CTRL+h

Now you can find many hidden files/dirs search for that named .config

enter image description here

Now open that directory and search for directory called libreoffice

enter image description here

Now remove this dir by pressing Delete or rightclick --> Move to Trash

Now log out and log in again then try to open libroffice again

An additionally answer using terminal way:

Open a terminal with CtrlAltT and fire this command:

rm -r ~/.config/libreoffice

This command deletes the folder .config/libreoffice in your home folder ~, but not the folde .config itself ;)

Alternatively you could create a backup of the folder with:

mv ~/.config/libreoffice ~/.config/libreoffice_bak

