Lie algebra isomorphism between ${\rm sl}(2,{\bf C})$ and ${\bf so}(3,\Bbb C)$

Some hints: you have introduced a basis $\{e,f,h\}$ for the Lie algebra $sl(2,\mathbb C)$; all you need is a suitable basis $\{e_i\}$ in $\mathbb C^{3}$ and an isomorphism $\phi:\mathbb C^{3}\rightarrow sl(2,\mathbb C)$ of vector spaces s.t. $\phi(e_i\wedge e_j)=[\phi(e_i),\phi(e_j)]$. Can you find such basis? Try with the simplest one... Then you should define the isomorphism $\phi$ simply as $\phi(e_i)=...$ (choose the right element of the basis for $sl(2,\mathbb C)$: you need to preserve compatibility with brackets) and extend it $\mathbb C$-linearly.


Lie Algebras