Line breaks in TikZ nodes

Add align=center to the style if you want to use \\:

enter image description here


  man/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=blue!20, align=center},
  woman/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=red!20,rounded corners=.8ex, align=center},
    edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) |- (\tikzchildnode.west)}},
  first/.style={level distance=6ex},
  second/.style={level distance=12ex},
  third/.style={level distance=18ex},
  level 1/.style={sibling distance=5em}]
    % Parents
      child[grow=left] {node[man,anchor=east]{Jim}}
      child[grow=right] {node[woman,anchor=west]{Jane}}
      child[grow=down,level distance=0ex]
    [edge from parent fork down]
    % Children and grandchildren
    child{node[man] {Alfred \\ 05-04-83}}
    child{node[woman] {Berta \\ 05-04-99}}
    child {node[man] {Charles \\ 05-04-77}}
    child {node[woman]{Doris \\ 05-04-80}};        

You could try to use a table (two rows) (tabular env) in the content; though, I have no the required package to check if it would work or that is not allowed. E.g.

     Jim \\
     DOB \\

If \\ does not work since it was changed someway by the package, then you could try \cr, but I suppose it could not work and if it works, it is bad LaTeX (too much TeXish).