Line delimited json serializing and de-serializing

To implement with .NET 5 (C# 9) and the System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer class, and for "big" data, I wrote code for streaming processing.

Using the System.IO.Pipelines extension package, this is quite efficient.

using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
    static readonly byte[] NewLineChars = {(byte)'\r', (byte)'\n'};
    static readonly byte[] WhiteSpaceChars = {(byte)'\r', (byte)'\n', (byte)' ', (byte)'\t'};

    private static async Task Main()
        JsonSerializerOptions jsonOptions = new(JsonSerializerDefaults.Web);
        var json = "{\"some\":\"thing1\"}\r\n{\"some\":\"thing2\"}\r\n{\"some\":\"thing3\"}";
        var contentStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json));
        var pipeReader = PipeReader.Create(contentStream);
        await foreach (var foo in ReadItemsAsync<Foo>(pipeReader, jsonOptions))
            Console.WriteLine($"foo: {foo.Some}");

    static async IAsyncEnumerable<TValue> ReadItemsAsync<TValue>(PipeReader pipeReader, JsonSerializerOptions jsonOptions = null)
        while (true)
            var result = await pipeReader.ReadAsync();
            var buffer = result.Buffer;
            bool isCompleted = result.IsCompleted;
            SequencePosition bufferPosition = buffer.Start;
            while (true)
                var(value, advanceSequence) = TryReadNextItem<TValue>(buffer, ref bufferPosition, isCompleted, jsonOptions);
                if (value != null)
                    yield return value;

                if (advanceSequence)
                    pipeReader.AdvanceTo(bufferPosition, buffer.End); //advance our position in the pipe

            if (isCompleted)
                yield break;

    static (TValue, bool) TryReadNextItem<TValue>(ReadOnlySequence<byte> sequence, ref SequencePosition sequencePosition, bool isCompleted, JsonSerializerOptions jsonOptions)
        var reader = new SequenceReader<byte>(sequence.Slice(sequencePosition));
        while (!reader.End) // loop until we've come to the end or read an item
            if (reader.TryReadToAny(out ReadOnlySpan<byte> itemBytes, NewLineChars, advancePastDelimiter: true))
                sequencePosition = reader.Position;
                if (itemBytes.TrimStart(WhiteSpaceChars).IsEmpty)

                return (JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TValue>(itemBytes, jsonOptions), false);
            else if (isCompleted)
                // read last item
                var remainingReader = sequence.Slice(reader.Position);
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> remainingSpan = remainingReader.IsSingleSegment ? remainingReader.First.Span : remainingReader.ToArray();
                reader.Advance(remainingReader.Length); // advance reader to the end
                sequencePosition = reader.Position;
                if (!remainingSpan.TrimStart(WhiteSpaceChars).IsEmpty)
                    return (JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TValue>(remainingSpan, jsonOptions), true);
                    return (default, true);
                // no more items in sequence

        // PipeReader needs to read more
        return (default, true);

public class Foo
    public string Some

Run at

You can do so by manually parsing your JSON using JsonTextReader and setting the SupportMultipleContent flag to true.

If we look at your first example, and create a POCO called Foo:

public class Foo
    public string Some { get; set; }

This is how we parse it:

var json = "{\"some\":\"thing1\"}\r\n{\"some\":\"thing2\"}\r\n{\"some\":\"thing3\"}";
var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(json))
    SupportMultipleContent = true // This is important!

var jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
while (jsonReader.Read())
    Foo foo = jsonSerializer.Deserialize<Foo>(jsonReader);

If you want list of items as result simply add each item to a list inside the while loop to your list.


Note: with Json.Net 10.0.4 and later same code also supports comma separated JSON entries see How to deserialize dodgy JSON (with improperly quoted strings, and missing brackets)?)


