Linux shell script: Run a program only if it exists, ignore it if it does not exist

My interpretation would use a wrapper function named the same as the tool; in that function, execute the real tool if it exists:

figlet() {
  command -v figlet >/dev/null && command figlet "$@"

Then you can have figlet arg1 arg2... unchanged in your script.

@Olorin came up with a simpler method: define a wrapper function only if we need to (if the tool doesn't exist):

if ! command -v figlet > /dev/null; then figlet() { :; }; fi

If you'd like the arguments to figlet to be printed even if figlet isn't installed, adjust Olorin's suggestion as follows:

if ! command -v figlet > /dev/null; then figlet() { printf '%s\n' "$*"; }; fi

You can test to see if figlet exists

if type figlet >/dev/null 2>&1
    echo Figlet is installed

A common way to do this is with test -x aka [ -x. Here is an example taken from /etc/init.d/ntp on a Linux system:

if [ -x /usr/bin/lockfile-create ]; then
    lockfile-create $LOCKFILE
    lockfile-touch $LOCKFILE &

This variant relies on knowing the full path of the executable. In /bin/lesspipe I found an example which works around that by combining -x and the which command:

if [ -x "`which bunzip`" ]; then bunzip -c "$1"
else echo "No bunzip available"; fi ;;

That way this will work without knowing in advance where in the PATH the bunzip executable is.