List all files in all subfolders

List all Files Recursively

C:\>dir /s

To save them to a file

C:\>dir /s /b>filelist.txt

View them a page at a time

C:\>dir /s | more

Try tree /f. This should output the entire structure.

You will get UnixUtils at sourceforge, that will give you find.exe.

You can then do the following for list of all files with folder paths.

cd Path\to\folder
find.exe . -type f

There are other forms of the Unix command that may be useful for you.
The output is more search-able compared to the native dir and tree commands.

Updated with input from Johannes.
In the cmd.exe shell

dir /b /s

works quite well for a recursive listing in the Widows formatted form,
(so you see "C:\" and the reverse slashes, '\').
I completely missed the "\b" in Nifle's answer! (+1 for that now).