List dependencies of Python wheel file

As previously mentioned, .whl files are just ZIP archives. You can just open them and poke around in the METADATA file.

There is a tool, however, that can make this manual process a bit easier. You can use pkginfo, which can be installed with pip.

CLI usage:

$ pip install pkginfo
$ pkginfo -f requires_dist psutil-5.4.5-cp27-none-win32.whl
requires_dist: ["enum34; extra == 'enum'"]

API usage:

>>> import pkginfo
>>> wheel_fname = "psutil-5.4.5-cp27-none-win32.whl"
>>> metadata = pkginfo.get_metadata(wheel_fname)
>>> metadata.requires_dist
[u"enum34 ; extra == 'enum'"]

You can install the wheel file in a separate virtual environment and then look which all other packages are installed.

Use pip freeze command to see all installed packages.

I just tried to unzip (not gunzip) a wheel package I had lying around. The packagename-version.dist-info/METADATA file contains a list of Requires-Dist: entries that contain the compiled requirements from