Listener Binding; Cannot Find the Setter

Just rebuild the project. It is probably because you did some refactoring

Valid case: This error is raised if you have an error in the xml file. First read carefully through the xml and if you find a problem fix it.

Invalid case: For me the issue was raised for a file that was already deleted from the project or the file was renamed and the databinding was referencing the old file.

I'm not sure how to get rid of the issue every time but I have a number of things that sometimes work and sometimes don't.

Fix number 1:

Running 'gradle wrapper' in the project root.

Fix number 2:

Android Studio Clean Project

Next delete these folders in the project root:

rm -rf .gradle/

rm -rf app/build/

rm -rf build

rm -rf gradle

rm -rf gradlew

Android Studio Invalidate and restart

Everything should be back to normal now.

I just had that issue and I have managed to solve it by deleting .idea, .gradle and gradle folders and let Android Studio recreate whole project from scratch from gradle files.

Make sure apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt' is in build.gradle.

If you are running in to this and no amount of rebuilding the project, deleting directories, clearing AS settings do anything. The IDE is fine without having it but the building fails.

It would be nice if android studio had better error messages for this.