Listing all specs in order determined by seed in rspec

RSpec's JSON formatter outputs the filenames and line numbers in the order they were run:

rspec --seed 1 -f json > out.json

To get just the list of filenames with line numbers from the resulting out.json file:

require 'json'
data = JSON.parse('out.json'))
examples = data['examples'].map do |example| 

Now examples will contain an array of file paths like:

["./spec/models/user_spec.rb:19", "spec/models/user_spec.rb:29"]

In my spec/spec_helper.rb file:

I have created a global variable $files_executed and initialized it to an empty set:

require 'set'
$files_executed =

Then, inside the RSpec.configure block I added:

config.before(:each) do |example|
  $files_executed.add example.file_path

And this:

config.after(:suite) do
  files_filename = 'files_executed.txt'
  File.write(files_filename, $files_executed.to_a.join(' '))

And then you can use the content of the file files_executed.txt to feed the rspec command again with the order that was used before.